
Joy explores the complexities of the human experience with breathtaking honesty. She is a true intellectual. Her capacity for self-reflexivity, coupled with her profound insight into the lived experience of women, has left me with goosebumps on more than one occasion.
— Author and Associate Professor, Emma Jane

I love to write. It’s how I make sense of the world.

I am comfortable with ambiguity and find myself drawn to the complex aspects of the human experience - the grey and murky subject areas. Unintentionally, my writing often explores the ‘elephant in the room’ issues - bringing either my own or the life story of another to an otherwise not-often-talked-about subject. I believe that narrative is life changing.

I write for a broad range of audiences in a variety of styles. I have written articles for magazines; essays for newspapers; research papers for journals; applied research reports for clients; blogs and theses. My plan is to write a book, based on my PhD thesis Her Sexual Self.

Check out some of my recent pieces of writing below.

Need something written? I’d love to :)

Here are some things I’ve written recently


Through the Fire

A personal essay for Vogue Voice Mother’s Day special: ‘Sociologist and mother-of-two, Dr Joy Townsend discovered she was pregnant after being part of a daring and dangerous rescue mission during one of the most ferocious bushfires of last summer’.


Career Management: What has been proven to work?

What has been proven to enhance an individual’s ability to successfully manage their career?

Fighting Fires: Diversity and inclusion in life-threatening work (Part 2)

Reflections on working alongside likeable sexist guys. 


3D Clitoris to teach French kids about sex

This is a picture of the printable 3D clitoris that is about to be used for sex education in French schools, from primary to secondary level, from September onwards. And I'm saying a big YAY to that. 

Family and Domestic Violence now Officially a Workplace Issue: Does your organisation do enough?

Exploring the role of workplaces when it comes to the support of women and men who are experiencing or escaping violence.


Consent… If it’s not yes, it’s …

Consent is simple. Or so we are told. Apparently "if it is not yes, it's no". But according to the young women I spoke to, it's actually not that simple.

Fighting Fires: Diversity and inclusion in life-threatening work (Part 1)

Reflections on my experience as an RFS member fighting the Currowan Fire.


What are human rights and how do they relate to technology?

The current and rapid rise of new and emerging technologies presents numerous human rights challenges and opportunities.